Hello to All the Beautiful People of our Big Jollylook Community!

We are thrilled to share some incredibly exciting news with you all.

In just 30 short hours, the Jollylook EYE has reached its funding goal, all thanks to you, our beautiful backers!

We couldn't be more grateful for your overwhelming support and belief in our project. Thank you for your feedback, kind words, and suggestions. We really appreciate it. 

This community is amazing, and we're so thankful!

One of our beautiful backers also gave us the idea to tell more about how to create double-exposure photos with our Jollylook EYE. We are very grateful for this fantastic advice, so below you can see a step-by-step video showing how the double exposure functionality can be achieved:

Double Exposure Photography with Jollylook EYE

Here is an example of using just two photos, but you can test your creativity and experiment with new ideas by capturing two, three, or more moments in one photo!

So, what's next?

Stay Engaged: Keep an EYE on our Kickstarter page and updates for the latest news and behind-the-scenes content :)

Spread the Word: If you're as passionate about the Jollylook EYE as we are, please continue to share our campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. Your word-of-mouth support is invaluable.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us reach this significant milestone. We are truly grateful for your support, and we can't wait to ship the Jollylook EYE to you, our beautiful backers.

Let's keep the momentum going and make the Jollylook EYE project an even greater success together!

Stay Jolly!

Until next time,

The Jollylook Team.

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